
The “Sticky Note Mantras” blog, authored by licensed professional counselors Helene Zupanc and Beth Valdez, offers insightful articles providing readers with practical tips, strategies and mantras for personal transformation.

Let Self-Compassion Flow

Carl Rogers famously wrote, “The curious paradox is the more I can accept myself, the more I can change.” This was written back in 1961, so it’s nothing new. But it still holds true and is as vital today as it was back then.

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Being Real

I have heart-squeezing memories of reading The Velveteen Rabbit to my children when they were younger, so I was intrigued enough to buy this little hardback copy. I am glad I did. It is a little hidden gem of a self-help book. 

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Focus on the Good

When you focus on the good, the good gets better – Esther Hicks Martin Seligman began the positive psychology movement

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