Helene Zupanc
& Beth Valdez

We invite you to embark on a wild journey to break free from the constraints of your own mind using a simple yet highly effective secret weapon: Mantras! The process of using mantras taps into all of your good stuff, like your creativity, preferences, and style. It heightens your awareness, encourages you to craft the thoughts you want in your life, and weave these new thoughts in your brain so they stick. Mantras have been an integral part of our lives (absolute life savers). We can personally vouch for their efficacy. 

They continue to improve and enrich our own lives regarding our own personal struggles as well as the everyday stresses of life. We have utilized them professionally, working with individuals of all ages from all walks of life in our careers as therapists, school counselors, and teachers. It is our sincerest hope that creating and using mantras, along with some colorful sticky notes, will help people live happier, healthier lives and have some fucking fun while they’re doing it. 

Mantras are short phrases that guide us and focus our intentions. They are the path to channeling purpose, direction, and affirmation into the mind and, consequently, into the routine of living. We like Webster’s definition: sacred counsel; a mystical formula of invocation or incantation. Yes! Mantras encourage the wise counselor inside of you to speak up and set you straight when the brain goes rogue with its bullshit.
Mantras date back thousands of years from the Sanskrit language, the classical language of India, and the ceremonial language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The word mantra is from the root “man”- to think, and “tra”- to liberate; put together, it means to liberate from thought. It is liberating not to pay attention to all that chatter and focus on healthy, balanced thoughts! Long ago, the most important components of a mantra involved meaning and sound or vibration. In Hinduism, the first sound created is known as Aum and that’s why it precedes the meaning of many mantras in Eastern practices. Today, mantras are more widely recognized as any statement that affirms how we want to live our lives.

Helene is taking new clients at WellTherapy.com