
The “Sticky Note Mantras” blog, authored by licensed professional counselors Helene Zupanc and Beth Valdez, offers insightful articles providing readers with practical tips, strategies and mantras for personal transformation.

Connections Matter

Social isolation has the same detrimental effects on health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or being morbidly obese. Strengthening social connections is essential for improving both physical and mental well-being.

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The word believe conjures up encouragement, empowerment, and trust in yourself. Believe you are valuable and deserving. Look first to yourself for validation and self-compassion.

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Time to Unplug

Bravery, change, and trying different things to inspire growth isn’t easy. Some days, implementing these ideas comes easy, and some days, we must dig a little deeper, make course corrections, or take a Mulligan and try later.

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You Can Do Hard Things

One of the chapters in our book that will be published in the near future is called You Can Do Hard Things. We love this mantra because it cues us to find that brave warrior that resides in all of us. It helps shift us into a motivation mindset and reminds us that courage and determination are inside of us.

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Spark Joy

Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, uses the phrase “spark joy” in her book. She says, “The ultimate goal is to spark joy every day and lead a joyful life.” She describes this philosophy as kurashi, which she says roughly translates to “way of life.” Hell, yeah it’s a way of life!

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